Foundation wall protection accessories DELTA®-GEOTEXX FS 100

Thermally solidified and filter-stable geotextile made of 100% polypropylene for filtering and separating according to the standard EN 13252.

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  • Filter stable
    Filters in a reliably way, without sludge.
  • Durable
    Resistant for 100 years in natural soils.


Geotextile for the filtration and separation in the fields of gardening and landscaping in order to ensure the drainage and/or water storage function.

Technical data

Material PP fibres, thermally bonded, light gray
Weight approx. 100 g/m²
Tensile strength MD/CD approx. 6,6/ 6,6 kN
Stretch behaviour MD/CD approx. 50/50%
Dynamic perforation resistance approx. 40 mm
Depression behaviour approx. 0,95 kN
Water permeability approx. 80 x 10-3 m/s
Size 50 m x 1,00 m / 50 m x 2,00 m


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