Industrial wood protection HYDROSTOP 9.04 L

Impregnating wood oil with a pronounced water-repellent effect (beading effect) for industrial and manual processing. Can be used outdoors on all non-dimensionally stable and limited dimensionally stable wooden components made of spruce, larch, oak, teak, etc.

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    Hydrostop 9.04 L


  • Solvent-based, film-preserved & sustainable wood oil
  • Beading effect
  • Water absorption is significantly reduced
  • One-pot system
  • Very good penetration capacity
  • Viscosity: approx. 13 seconds DIN 4 mm cup (according to DIN EN ISO 2431) - adjusted ready for use
  • Further information on viscosity: approx. 21 seconds in ISO 4 mm cup (according to DIN EN ISO 2431) / 18 mPas at 450 s-¹ (according to DIN EN ISO 3219)

Technical data

Consumption 70 - 125 ml/m²
Packaging Sizes MIX 1,0 L / 2,5 L / 5 L / 20 L



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