Façade accessories DELTA®-TAPE FAS 60 / 100

Highly aging-resistant adhesive tape with the highest level of adhesive strength, specially designed for use on the DELTA® facade membranes.
For gluing overlaps, penetrations, and difficult details.

    smallRetina 06:08:16
    DELTA®-TAPE FAS in der Anwendung
    smallRetina 06:08:16


Technical data

Material Pure acrylic adhesive. Highly UV-resistant carrier.
Storage Protected from light, cool and dry
Functional temperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C
Roll width 60/100 mm
Roll length 20 m


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Would you like information on detailed product properties, use cases or other technical topics?
Then feel free to contact our application department on +49 2330 63 578 or atabvf@doerken.de.

Do you have questions about prices, availability or the status of your order?
Our sales service will help you with these matters on +49 2330 63 636 or membranes@doerken.de.