Facade paint LUCITE® 848 ACRYLOSIL

Weather resistant siloxane reinforced synthetic dispersion paint with film protection against algae and fungi. The product combines the positive characteristics of pure acrylate-based paints with those of silicone resin paints.

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    LUCITE® 848 AcryloSil


  • particularly indicated for mineral surfaces
  • water-vapour permeability V1 (high)
  • water permeability W2
  • protection against aggressive pollutants in the air as well as rain
  • high covering capacity, easy and quick to apply
  • Resistant to industrial fumes
  • Alkali-resistant

Technical data

Consumption 110 - 130 ml/m²
Packaging Sizes Ready 1,0 L / 5 L / 12 L
Packaging Sizes MIX 1,0 L / 5 L / 12 L



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