Construction paints and varnishes Waterbased CWS WERTLACK® VENTICOLOR AQUA MIX

Weather-resistant primer, intermediate and finishing coat for dimensionally stable wooden components such as windows and exterior doors. Protective coating for wooden components with limited dimensional stability, such as roof soffits, facade boarding, wooden railings, shutters and trusses. Also suitable for coating zinc and aluminum connecting components in the facade area, such as gutters or downpipes. For interior and exterior use.

    smallRetina 05:34:41
    CWS WERTLACK® Venticolor Aqua MIX


  • Umweltfreundlich
  • Geruchsneutral
  • Blei- und Chromatfrei nach DIN 55944
  • Guter Verlauf
  • Blockfest
  • Sehr gutes Deckvermögen
  • Sichere Kantenabdeckung
  • Leichte Verarbeitung
  • Diffusionsfähig
  • Nicht vergilbend
  • Hohe Wetterbeständigkeit
  • Schlagregendicht

Technical data

Consumption 120 - 140 ml/m²
Packaging Sizes MIX 1,0 L / 2,5 L
