Adhesive program DELTA®-THAN

Permanent elastic cartridge adhesive made of special rubber for outdoor use. High adhesive strength on a wide variety of surfaces. Suitable for gluing and connecting DELTA® membranes outdoors. With high security in the connection area.

Safe bonding also when temperatures are low thanks to its solvent content. Waterproof after setting.

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    DELTA®-THAN Anschluss am Kamin
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DELTA®-THAN can be used for gluing and connecting all DELTA® roofing membranes when covering as well as at connections and ends.

The cartridge adhesive is also perfect for the seam bonding of the DELTA® damp-proof courses when overlapping. On mineral surfaces and on wood.

Technical data

Material Permanently elastic cartridge adhesive made of special rubber.
Application temperature (temperature-controlled storage recommended) Open time: 30 minutes from +5°C ambient and component temperature
Functional temperature range From -30 °C to +80 °C
Coverage Approx. 7 running m. per cartridge
Filling weight 310 ml per cartridge, 600 ml per tubular bag


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