Construction paints and varnishes Solvend-based LUCITE® 127 XTRAFIXX

Satin gloss priming and finishing coat for applications both in interiors and exteriors. It is possible to apply up to 2 coats a day. Excellent direct adhesion on surfaces like for example aluminium, wood, wood-based materials, old existing coats and rigid PVC. Applying LUCITE® 127 XtraFixx on metal and non-ferrous metals it is necessary to pretreat and prime the surfaces properly.

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    LUCITE® 127 XtraFixx


  • extremely fast drying, dust dry after 3.5 hours
  • the product can be painted over after 5 hours
  • it is possible to apply up to 2 coats a day
  • two-coat varnish with direct adhesion on sound surfaces
  • long pot-life / smooth flow
  • High hiding power with good edge coverage
  • Mild odor
  • Blockfest
  • High whiteness

Technical data

Consumption 90 - 110 ml/m²
Colour tones white
Packaging Sizes Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L
