Wood protection LUCITE® 503 IMPREGNATION

Solvent containing impregnating primer for the preventive protection from wood-destroying fungi (according to EN 113), blue-stain (according to EN 152) and mould (according to EN 15457) for dimensionally stable, limited dimensionally stable and not dimensionally stable wooden construction elements and wood which is not statically stressed and does not have direct ground contact. Approved biocidal product according to regulation (EU) no. 528/2012. Suitable surfaces: fences, shingles, pergolas, doors and windows.

    smallRetina 07:04:13
    LUCITE® 503 Impregnation


  • solvent containing transparent impregnation protecting against funghi, blue stain and mould
  • penetrates the wood deeply
  • not film-building or levelling
  • long-term protection
  • easy to apply

Technical data

Consumption 120 - 180 ml/m²
Colour tones Transparent
Packaging Sizes Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L
Packaging Sizes MIX 1,0 L / 2,5 L
