Construction paints and varnishes Waterbased CWS WERTLACK® SATIDUR AQUAPU

For the high-quality finishing coating of wooden components with good dimensional stability, mineral substrates, metals, non-ferrous metals and rigid plastics after corresponding pretreatment and priming. For use indoors and outdoors.

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    CWS WERTLACK® SatiDur AquaPU


  • Outstanding surface hardness, particularly suitable for the protection of surfaces subject to high stress (clearly reduced rubbed streaking effect, especially with intense colours).
  • resistant to hand sweat
  • block-resistant
  • very good opacity.
  • alkali-resistant
  • resistant to household cleaning agents
  • weather-resistant
  • stable shine and whiteness
  • UV-stable
  • low odour
  • meets the requirements of EN 71:2014 Safety of Toys; Part 3: Migration of certain elements

Technical data

Consumption 110 - 130 ml/m²
Colour tones white
Packaging Sizes Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L
Packaging Sizes MIX 1,0 L / 2,5 L



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Do you have further questions about product features, applications or availability, the status of your order or would you like to contact the DÖRKEN color Service?

We are happy to help you! Contact our service phone at +49 2330 63 243 or send us an email at