Interior wall paint LUCITE® 022 MULTIPRIMER

Isolating and adhesion promoting primer based on cationic binders indicated for applications both in interiors and exteriors. Suitable as isolating primer to be used before water-based or solvent-based finishing products. With excellent isolating capacities against nicotine, soot, dry water stains and substances contained in the wood. Perfect adhesion properties on wood, synthetic materials, glass, old existing coats and non-ferrous metals.

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    LUCITE® 022 Multiprimer


  • excellent isolating capacities
  • good adhesion property on various surfaces
  • fast drying (over-paintable after 4 hours)
  • odourless, without tension, solvent-free
  • water-based
  • Excellent blocking effect
  • Universally applicable and reworkable
  • Highly effective cationic binder technology

Technical data

Consumption 110 - 130 ml/m²
Packaging Sizes Ready 2,5 L / 12 L



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