Mag­netic in­duc­tion mea­sure­ment

The magnetic induction measurement method according to ISO 2178 is an electro-magnetic method for measuring the thickness of magnetically-neutral coatings on magnetic base material.

It enables the non-destructive testing of coat thickness or material – for example galvanic coats of chromium, zinc, copper or aluminium on steel and iron. In addition, the test method is also used to measure paint and lacquer coats on steel and iron. How does the magnetic induction method work? The magnetic induction method is a contact measurement method. An exciter current generates a low-frequency magnetic field, the strength of which is dependent on the distance between the measuring probe and the base material - i.e. the thickness of the non-magnetisable coat. The resultant magnetic field is recorded via a measuring coil. The measurement signal received is then transformed into the precise coat thickness value in a special measuring device, via the probe characteristics – the functional interrelation between measurement signal and coat thicknes.

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